IUF 20 ans

Universities, main players in the resource pro­ble­ma­tic now. Why should uni­ver­si­ties tackle the resour­ces pro­ble­ma­tic now ? Does the aca­de­mic world have spe­ci­fic assets to tackle this com­plex pro­ble­ma­tic ? Most defi­ni­tely, if one accepts that uni­ver­si­ties cons­ti­tute the only ins­ti­tu­tion which is able to pro­vide the syner­ge­tic effect of inte­gra­ted trans­dis­ci­pli­na­rity in both the short and long terms.

In concrete terms, although the com­pre­hen­sion and opti­mi­za­tion of every resource repre­sent tasks of the utmost urgency, the imple­men­ta­tion of vast bodies of opti­mi­zed resour­ces in order to ensure their ratio­nal and inte­gra­ted mana­ge­ment cons­ti­tu­tes a real socie­tal chal­lenge. This chal­lenge requi­res a conver­gence of know­ledge and the reci­pro­cal exchange of know-how. This is why the resour­ces pro­ble­ma­tic must be placed before all other major issues, for which it pro­vi­des essen­tial foun­da­tions.

For these reasons, the « You and the Resources” survey » is important BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the conference